About Monetonomy

Core Values

Honest & Direct

When looking at the digital marketing space in general, there is an abundance of misinformation. The truth is often hidden deep inside the content and, even then, it hides between the lines. This fact implies that digital marketing cannot be done with direct honesty.

Monetonomy is taking dead aim at the idea that digital marketing cannot be honest, and flipping it on it's head.


We learn whether one has high integrity, or not, by their actions. In marketing, everybody wants the appearance of integrity. Actual integrity is found by looking at the record, the content and the decision making of the subject. Often, integrity shines brightest (or darkest) when handling one's own mistakes

We don't intend to make mistakes, but we will.

Monetonomy will work through mistakes, challenges and day-to-day life with Integrity sprinkled with humor and grace.


Because it directly supports honesty & integrity, transparency too, is overlooked or understated in the field of digital marketing. A lot of folks out there will "show you the numbers", but more often than not, its gross data, not net data. They may have spent $5,000 to make that $5,250 they are telling you about.

When there is data to share, Monetonomy will share the costs involved.


A fake, in this world, will be recognized and dismissed faster than a blink.
Share your story. Be who you are. Be everything you are: playful, fun, confident and ambitious. Even share when you're nervous, anxious, and where you have failed.

Be everything you are and share it with your audience.

  • Honest & Direct

  • Integrity

  • Transparency

  • Authentic